Are You Concerned About the Air You Breathe At Home?

afraid to go home


Are You Concerned About the Air You Breathe At Home?


Eyes burning, nose running, throat itching…. but, only when you are at home.


Identifying the cause is the first step.

  • Is there mold hidden somewhere within the home?
  • Does your home need a good “spring cleaning”?
  • Have you accumulated too many chemicals, i.e., cleaning products, painting products, hobby supplies, and stored them all together?
  • Have renovations to your home caused poor air circulation and ventilation?
  • Have you recently installed new carpet or cloth furniture?  These can give off Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
  • Have you recently adopted a new pet?
  • Is someone smoking in your home?
  • Are your HVAC ducts clean or filled with dust and debris?


Become a CSI agent:  Contamination Site Investigator.  Identify the culprit and eliminate or treat it.  You’ll know you have found it when the symptoms subside.


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