December’s Breathe Healthy Initiative Topic: Our Indoor Generation

Challenge: We made our buildings tight so that energy could be conserved, but now we find ourselves trapped in our buildings with natural and man-made contaminants.

SOLUTION: Gain an understanding of our indoor environment and share it.

Our scientists, health professionals, indoor environmentalists, architects, engineers, maintenance professionals, and property owners are just beginning to understand the connection between how buildings work and the impact their indoor environments have on human health. As we learn more, we need to share it. As a group, we need to make a commitment to share our knowledge so we can create a healthier humanity. This would include:

  • Educating professionals responsible for the occupants of indoor environments on the connection between indoor environmental health and human health.
  • Developing trained professionals that can assess and diagnose when a building is performing poorly and is likely to cause health issues for its occupants.
  • Educating health care provides on the connection between indoor environmental health and human health.
  • Educating contractors, property managers, facilities managers, real estate agents, and home improvement professions on implementing safe work practices in buildings, in their project designs, in building operations and maintenance and in building renovations.

We have made some tremendous strides as a nation with the rise in educational opportunities and associations that bring value to our communities.  But, the word needs to continue to be spread.

 To learn more, to join our BREATHE HEALTHY Initiative, or to request a copy of our BREATHE HEALTHY e-book, visit


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