Why Filter the Air We Breathe

afraid to go home


Why Filter the Air We Breathe?

Air filtration systems have become more important over the years as our society has become better at making our homes more energy efficient.  Lack of natural ventilation means contagions can get trapped in our homes and stay in the air longer.


Bacteria ranges in size from 0.1 microns to 1.5 microns and cause illnesses such as strep throat and pneumonia.  Viruses are as tiny as 0.05 microns to 0.1 microns and cause infections such as colds and flus.  We bring these in our home where they get trapped by our energy efficiency.


Carpets trap dust and mold spores.  Damp carpet allows for growth of mold.  New carpets can emit volatile organic compounds.


Other agents of the release of volatile organic compounds include plastics, finishes on furniture, vinyl wall decals, dry cleaned clothing, moth balls, and cleaning products.


Pressed wood furniture can be a source for formaldehyde.  Mattresses, pillows, cloth furnishings, and stuffed toys can become traps for dust and pet dander.  Pets can contaminate the environment with pet dander, saliva, urine and bacteria.  Cigarette smoke contains 40 known carcinogenic compounds.  And then ventilation systems can be a source of biological contaminants.




With a proper HEPA air filtration system, the air you breathe in your home can be pure and clean.  HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air.  HEPA filtration media is tested and proven to be 99.97% efficient up to 0.3 microns.  HEPA filters are constructed in such a way to allow air to pass through but particulates are stopped.


When selecting an indoor air filtration system, make sure that it includes a HEPA filter and that it is sized properly for the room you are installing it in.


Then, you do not have to be afraid to go home and breathe freely.


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