Have you ever taken a minute to think about everything that happens in your home? All of the meals, the movie nights, the sleepovers, the get togethers’, the barbeques, the arguments, the birthday parties, and the list goes on. Your home is the central hub of the whirlwind of activity that is your life.
With everything that is happening in your home, the quality of the air may not be at the top of your priority list. While there may more pressing concerns that are commanding your attention, it makes sense to consider whether or not you should be looking to improve the air quality in your home.
Why Should You Care About Improving the Air Quality in Your Home?
It can be easy to overlook the state of the air quality in your home. After all, how bad can it be? You would know if there was something wrong… right? Not necessarily. Air quality issues can lead to everything from allergy-like symptoms to bacterial infections and disease and they can be hard to detect. Air quality is influenced by many factors but there are simple steps you can take to improve the air quality in your home.
1. Properly Ventilation
Proper ventilation includes making sure your HVAC systems are in good working order as well as having good airflow through open windows when the weather permits (assuming the air quality is good outside). Makes sure to keep interior doors open and utilize the bathroom and kitchen fans.
2. Controlling Humidity
Did you know that water does not need to be present for mold to grow? 60% humidity is enough to create the right conditions for mold growth. By taking steps to control the humidity levels in your home with a dehumidifier, you are reducing the risk of mold and other dangerous bacteria.
3. Changing Filters Regularly
This is a really simple, easy and effective step that can greatly improve the air quality in your home. Using a HEPA filter will filter out 99.97% of all contaminants 0.3 microns or bigger. (For scale, a human hair is 80-100 microns.) Using high-quality filters and changing them regularly will make a significant difference in the air quality in your home.
4. Perform Regular Maintenance
By performing regular household maintenance in your home, you are improving the air quality by making sure that avoidable contaminants aren’t introduced into the air. This could be from a leaky pipe, a blocked air vent or jammed gutters. All of these things can contribute to poor air quality.
5. Perform Regular Housekeeping Tasks
Everyone’s favorite! Housekeeping. You may not be jumping for joy about housekeeping tasks but your lungs will thank you. Vacuuming, dusting, cleaning windows, and sweeping regularly all go a long way to help improve the air you breathe.
6. Controlling Contaminants
Items such as paints, chemical cleaners, old paints, smoking, and vaping all have a negative effect on the air quality. Removing these items and activities from your home will be a positive change for those living there.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to air quality, you want to make sure that you are giving yourself and those in your home the air quality you deserve. These simple steps will help you in providing the best air quality you can for you and your loved ones.
To learn more or to join our BREATHE HEALTHY Initiative, visit baxtergroupinc.com. Request a copy of our BREATHE HEALTHY ebook.