Lead Paint Removal In Berkeley Springs, WV
Was your facility, building, home or rental property built prior to 1978? If so, there is a chance that you have lead paint in your building. Baxter Environmental Group, Inc. can provide lead paint detection and removal services that fit your needs in the Berkeley Springs area.
Lead Detection in Berkeley Springs
Non-destructive Lead-based Paint Inspections can detect lead using our X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analyzer. This Inspection is recommended if any renovations are being completed or if your paint is chipping, cracking, or in any way damaged as the XRF Analyzer reads all of the layers of paint.
Baxter Environmental Group, Inc. can also provide dust wipe samples after renovations to provide clearance, reassuring that all lead dust has been eliminated.
Lead Paint Removal in Berkeley Springs
Have you already determined that lead paint is present in your facility? Trust Baxter Environmental Group, Inc. to safely remove, abate, encapsulate, or stabilize it based on your ultimate goals.” Baxter Environmental Group, Inc. has been working with local businesses in Berkeley Springs for over 30 years, and we understand the importance of protecting your staff!
Lead Paint & Rental Properties in Berkeley Springs
- Requirements of Federal Law Federal law (Title X – The Federal Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992) requires that a landlord renting a property built before 1978 disclose to the tenant any known lead-based paint hazards on the property before the lease is final. The landlord must also give the tenant a “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home” pamphlet, which explains the dangers of lead-based paint hazards
- Both Federal and Maryland law require a landlord renting a home built before 1978 to give the tenant the brochure: Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home, a Risk Reduction Certificate proving that the property has had lead risk reduction measures taken.
- Maryland Law requires that a landlord renting a property built before 1978 must meet three requirements before renting the home.
- Register the property and pay a $30 fee annually to the Maryland Department of Environment.
- Give tenants the pamphlets “lead Poisoning prevention program: Notice of Tenant’s Rights” and Protect your Family from Lead in Your Home.”
- Perform Full Risk Reduction Measures (lead hazard treatments) in the property and get a Risk Reduction Certificate. Give the tenant a copy of the certificate before they move in.
- If a landlord receive a written “Notice of Defect” that there is chipping or peeling paint, or a notice of a child with elevated blood lead in the property, the landlord must respond by perform Modified Risk Reduction Measures within 30 days of receiving the notice.
- All tenants must be relocated while Risk Reduction Treatments are being performed. If you are required to leave your house for more than 24 hours while treatments are performed, the property owner must pay reasonable expenses for overnight housing and possibly meals for your family. It’s illegal in Maryland for a landlord to retaliate and evict a tenant primarily because the tenant or a housing inspector sends a notice to the landlord informing them that there are lead hazards in the property or that there is a child with an elevated blood lead level living in the property.
Lead Paint & Renovations in Berkeley Springs
- Federal law requires contractors that disturb painted surfaces in homes, childcare facilities and schools built before 1978 to be certified and follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. Always ask to see your contractor’s certification.
- Federal law requires that individuals receive certain information before renovating more than six square feet of painted surfaces in a room for interior projects or more than twenty square feet of painted surfaces for exterior projects or window replacement or demolition in housing, child care facilities and schools built before 1978.
- Homeowners and tenants: renovators must give you a pamphlet entitled “RENOVATE RIGHT” before starting work.
- Child care facilities, including preschools and kindergarten classrooms, and the families of children under six years of age that attend those facilities: renovators must provide a copy of this pamphlet to child care facilities and general renovation information to families whose children attend those facilities.
- For Do-It-Yourselfers, it is highly recommended that they obtain and study the EPA’s brochure, “The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right.”
Lead Removal and Abatement Services in Berkeley Springs, WV
Baxter Environmental Group, Inc. is your trusted partner for lead removal in Berkeley Springs, WV. Our skilled professionals provide comprehensive lead abatement services, ensuring safety and compliance in residential and commercial properties. We specialize in identifying and mitigating lead hazards in older buildings, employing advanced techniques for effective removal and containment. With our focus on Berkeley Springs, we’re committed to creating lead-safe environments and protecting the health of our community.