If your property was built before 1978, there is a possibility that the paint contains high levels of lead. When lead-based paint begins to deteriorate into dust or chips, it becomes a serious health hazard, especially to children.
Having a paint inspection will tell you whether or not your building has lead-based paint and where it is located. If your building has lead-based paint, it becomes very crucial to maintain these painted surfaces. To protect your family, follow these simple recommendations:
- Maintain in good condition, repair or replace any lead-based painted areas.
- Clean up paint dust or chips immediately.
- Clean floors, window frames, window sills, and other surfaces at least weekly. If young children inhabit this area, clean daily.
- Thoroughly rinse sponges, mop heads and rags after cleaning.
- Wash children’s hands often and especially before they eat.
- Keep play areas clean.
- Keep children from chewing painted surfaces.
- Clean or remove shoes to avoid tracking lead dust.
For more information, click here to visit the EPA’s Lead Website.